Special Feature
October 5, 2001

Canadian Children Respond in SignWriting...
Pen pal letters sent from Canada to the USA and Germany....


September 28, 2001
Gore Bay, Ontario, Canada

Well, here are some drawings and writings from our children in Canada, all hearing, to our children friends in Germany and New Mexico.
As you can see from the pictures we talked about HOPE. We had a good conversation together, the children and I, about the terrorist attack. The result you see from the pictures....

Tini Pel, Teacher


Canadian Children's Messages:

1. Paul writes to Eduard in Germany
2. Charnelle writes to Thomas in Germany
3. Stephany writes to Irina in Germany
4. Janene writes to Julio in New Mexico
5. Jimmy writes to Irina in Germany
6. Adrienne writes to Julio in New Mexico

Paul in Canada writes to Eduard in Germany

1. Julio in USA 3. Paul in Canada 5. Stephany in Canada  7. Jimmy in Canada
2. Irina in Germany 4. Charnelle in Canada 6. Janene in Canada  8. Adrienne in Canada
For more information, contact the teachers:  

Cecilia Flood, USA
Stefan Woehrmann, Germany

Tini Pel, Canada
Download Booklet: "Deaf Children Express Their Grief" in PDF Format